Massimiliano Cannata is professor in geomatics at SUPSI. He received his PhD in Gedoesy and Geomatics after his master degree in environmental engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Since 2007 he’s the head of the geomatic division within the Institute of Earth Sciences ( in Switzerland. Massimiliano is active in education, research and consulting. He teach classes in topography and geoinformatics at SUPSI, coordinates and participate in several swiss and international research projects and executes mandates for the local and federal administration and the private sector. His research interests includes mathematical modeling applied to natural resources and hazards, environmental monitoring system based on IoT technologies, geospatial web services and applications. Massimiliano applies the Open Science approach in all his works to support the democratization of technology, particularly to support the development of low income economies. He is a long lasting member of the Open Source for geospatial international community (OSGeo) where currently cover the roles of project officer for the istSOS ( software and co-chair for the Open Geoscience committee.